wisdom teeth

Jul 4 • 1 minute read

What are wisdom teeth?
Wisdom teeth of the large molars found at the very back of the jaw.  they are the last two to appear(erupt) in the mouth usually around the age of 16 although this can vary. If the jaw  is too small to accommodate them they may cause pain or crowd other teeth out of position.
What is an impacted wisdom tooth?
Wisdom teeth are often in the wrong position and this may mean they feel to emerge properly after wisdom tooth pushes that and go to compress on the neighbouring tooth causing pain or drainage.
Symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth
-Swelling of the gum
-Bad breath
-An unpleasant taste in the mouth
-Pain in biting
-Pain on opening the mouth
What happens if I have an impacted wisdom tooth?
Visit your dentist immediately!
impacted teeth often  require extraction because of risk of infection and because of their location in the back of the mouth ,  they can also be very difficult to clean this makes them vulnerable to tooth decay. 

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