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Sep 2 • 1 minute read

Understanding Laser Dentistry
Laser is an instrument that produces a very narrow intense beam of light energy.  When   a Laser light  comes in contact with tissue it causes a reaction .  The light produced by the laser  can remove or shape tissue.
Lasers have been used in dentistry since 1990 . Lasers can be used as a safe and effective treatment for  a wide range of dental procedures and are often used in conjunction with other dental instruments
What are the benefits of laser dentistry?
-Promotes faster healing
-Little or no post surgical     discomfort 
-Safe , fast and comfortable treatment for both soft and hard tissues 
-Eliminates noises and smells of drill 
-Sterilizes treatment area 
-Little or no numbing required     -More gentle to all tissues in
 the mouth

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