common questions asked


Jan 23 • 1 minute read

Acid reflux occurs when the esophageal sphincter that is meant to separate the stomach from the esophagus does not stop the flow of stomach acid.
How this affects your teeth:
*stomach acids can cause enamel erosion 
*yellowing of teeth
*greater risk of tooth decay
*dry mouth
What you can do:
*chew sugar-free gum
*don't smoke
*limit alcohol intake
*avoid late night eating before bedtime 
*avoid fatty and fried foods
*avoid acidic foods and drinks
*work with your family doctor on a plan to alleviate your acid reflux
See your dental professional regularly to help keep your teeth healthy! Your dentist can help you choose the right treatment and help to minimize damage from acid reflux!
Dental Treatments for enamel erosion :
•    Bonding
•    Veneers
•    Crowns
If you are concerned about the effects of acid reflux on your teeth. Call us today!

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