With warmer weather on its way, children are more active in outside activities. Therefore; more prone to injuries.
Causes of mouth injuries
-sports related
-falls and trips (running. Biking, playground injuries
Types of common mouth injuries:
-chipped teeth
-broken teeth
-dislodged teeth
-soft tissue injuries
-knocked out teeth
Tips for preventing injuries
-Safety first
Sports guards for all sports
(These should be made for your child specifically by a dentist.)
-childproof your home
-teach children not to put anything in their mouth except food and drink
-no running or playing while eating and drinking
-teach your child proper playground safety
Tips for parents:
-stay calm
-reassure the child that they will be ok
It is best for your child's oral health to SEEK DENTAL CARE IMMEDIATELY! Even if an injury does not seem serious it is still best to seek dental advice from your dentist.