Thumb sucking

Mar 11 • 1 minute read

While this is a normal part of most children’s development. It can be harmful to the child’s dental health.
If your child stops this habit around ages 3-4 they generally will not have dental issues.
However, if your child continues after age 5, this can have an effect on their dental health.
Here’s how:
-muscle action can change the shape and position of the mouth, teeth and lips
-continuing after permanent teeth start coming in cause an overbite
-open-bite-upper and lower front teeth don’t meet
-can cause misalignment of the teeth
-can change growth patterns in the jaws
-lower and front teeth can move inward
-a child can also have speech problems
-problems chewing
-can have orthodontic issues in the future
Studies have shown that if the child stops this habit before the permanent teeth erupt. The natural improvement of the teeth can occur within 6 months.
Remember this is a comfort for your child. It will take time for them to give it up.
(special toy to hold)
ENCOURAGEMENT- (as simple as “you’re a big girl/boy now, you don’t want to suck your thumb”
stickers, progress chart, rewards when a child does not suck their thumb)
( “I’m so proud of you “)
As always, if you have any questions or concerns your OCD dental professionals are here to help!!

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