daily information


Mar 28 • 1 minute read

Temporomandibular Joint
Jaw Joint
Basically assists in the opening and closing of the jaw
-connects the lower jaw bone (mandible) to the base of the skull on each side of the head with ligaments and muscles surrounding the joint.
-ball and socket joint with a disc in between the two bones
-when you open your mouth the ball on each side glides and rotates along the joint socket
-when you close your mouth the ball slides back into its original position
-a group of disorders characterized by pain in this joint and surrounding tissues
-jaw clicking, popping, crunching (jaw slipping)
-jaw pain(headaches, ear, neck and shoulder pain )
-limited mobility opening and closing mouth
-some people may also suffer from, Chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, sleep disorders
-can occur in one side or both
-teeth grinding /jaw clenching
-misaligned bite
-missing molars(back teeth)
-continuous nail biting
-certain conditions (autoimmune disorders, arthritis, hormones)
-ear infections 
-may be caused by stress
-decayed or abscessed teeth
sometimes the cause remains unclear
-TMJ appliance
-this may help to relieve pain and discomfort (This must be professionally made by your dental professional.)
-jaw joint exercises
-patient education
-replacing any missing teeth
-applying ice or heat
-reducing stress
-avoiding jaw movements(wide yawning, gum chewing)
Your dentist is the best person to diagnose and advise on treatment for TMJ disorders.
If you have any or all of these symptoms, please call us!
Get relief soon!

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