
Oral Health

May 14 • 1 minute read

We no longer have to accept that we will lose our teeth as we age or that we have to endure dental problems as just another part of the ageing process.
Today we have a vast array of dental treatments and procedures available, too help us keep our smile as healthy and as vibrant as we feel!
-enamel erosion
-receding gums
-loose or missing teeth
-dry mouth
-discoloured teeth 
-oral cancer
-changes in our health that can affect our teeth 
-changes in our diet
-dexterity issues
What can you do?
-maintain a daily oral health routine-brush at least twice a day -floss at least once a day
-eat a proper diet to maintain your general health 
-reduce sugar intake
-limit acidic foods 
-don't smoke 
-limit alcohol 
Most importantly, visit your dental professional regularly. Your dentist can advise you on the best treatment options for your individual needs. 
Dental solutions 
-gum treatments 
At OCD, we offer you convenience and familiarity. We have all the dental specialists you will need right here in our office. Your dentist works in conjunction with your dental specialist. No need for you to go to different offices for different treatments. We offer comfort in knowing you will see the same welcoming dental professionals throughout your dental treatment.

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