oral hygiene


Sep 17 • 1 minute read

-brush at least twice a day with 
a soft bristle toothbrush 
-floss at least once a day
-eat a balanced diet
-limit sugar and acidic foods
-drink lots of water 
-visit your dental professional regularly -if a treatment is recommended by your dental professional, follow-through

Your dentist will see healthy gums and healthy strong teeth. Your dentist will see that you are practicing good oral health habits. Your oral health is the best it can be, resulting in a great dental visit! 

Now you're ready for your hygienist to finish up your dental visit with a cleaning. You will have a straightforward cleaning because you have been doing your part in maintaining your oral health. Practicing good oral care habits have resulted in less plaque, therefore, less tartar build-up on your teeth. 

The result, your mouth is healthy and your teeth are clean and bright. 

Congratulations, keep up the good work!


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