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Sep 7 • 1 minute read


An electronic cigarette or e-cigarette is a handheld battery-powered vaporizer that simulates smoking by providing some of the behavioral aspects of smoking, including the hand-to-mouth action of smoking, but without burning tobacco. Using an e-cigarette is known as "vaping" and the user is referred to as a "vape." Wikipedia

Dangers of Vaping
*increases the risk of gum disease
*risk of chemical burns
*stomatitis(inflammation of mouth and lips)
*dry mouth
*mouth ulcers
*contains nicotine (reduces blood flow)
*reduced blood flow-stops the mouth's ability to fight bacteria 
*dangerous toxins and chemicals are inhaled
*Can be as addictive as cigarettes 
*oral infection 
*tooth decay
*tooth loss
*can exacerbate existing dental problems 

Studies have shown an increase in young people vaping. This is a serious problem. The earlier a habit is picked up the likelihood of serious repercussions to their oral and general health are imminent. 

It should be mentioned that long term studies on the effects of vaping on oral health still need to be done. 

Vaping and Smoking are very detrimental to your oral health. It is obviously a good idea to quit smoking cigarettes for a variety of reasons. However, switching from cigarettes to vaping is trading one bad habit for another! 

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