
Pacifiers & Children’s Oral Development

Jan 18 • 1 minute read

Pacifiers & Children’s Oral Development

Parents know that a pacifier calms and comforts their little one, however, there can be negative effects to their oral development. A child should not use a pacifier past 2 years old. Before age 2 any negative effects will usually correct naturally after 6 months of not using the pacifier. Pacifiers should only be used to comfort the baby at bedtime and taken away during the day.

Effects of prolonged use of pacifiers on oral health development:
*front teeth, not meeting: can cause front top teeth to slant out and front bottom teeth to tilt in.
*jaw misalignment (such as an overbite).
*narrowing of the roof of the mouth.
*Can lead to inner ear infections
*tongue protrusion
*reduced lip and cheek strength
*can interfere with speech development

*wean your child off the pacifier slowly
*provide alternative comfort
*positive encouragement
For more information on weaning your child off the pacifier please visit:

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