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Digestive Issues & Oral Health

Nov 4 • 1 minute read

Digestive Issues & Oral Health


The relationship between digestive health and dental health is fairly straightforward. To properly digest your food, you must be able to chew the food.


If you have missing or broken teeth, gum disease or misaligned teeth. These issues can directly affect your ability to break down the food to be digested.


Digestive Issues that affect your oral health:

Irritable Bowel Disease

Crohn's Disease

Ulcerative Colitis

In some cases such as acid reflux and heartburn. The acid in your stomach can be present in your mouth. This can cause enamel erosion.


Oral indications of digestive disorders:

-enamel erosion

-teeth sensitivity

-mouth sores

-bleeding or swollen gums


-dry mouth

-bad breath

-bad taste



The solution is also straightforward. Healthy teeth and gums will support proper digestion and will serve to lessen the effects of existing digestive disorders while helping to prevent future digestive issues caused by poor oral health.


Regular dental exams and cleanings will ensure that your oral health is at its best! If you have a history of digestive health issues, please make sure you inform your dental health professionals.



Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational purposes only and is in no way intended to diagnose, treat or be a substitute for professional medical or dental advice.

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