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Vegan Diet & Oral Health Oshawa Centre Dental Office

Nov 28 • 1 minute read

Vegan Diet & Oral Health

Oshawa Centre Dental Office


Many people are becoming vegan these days. Everyone has their reasons for changing their diet to exclude all animal products. Some studies have shown that you can lose weight, lower your sugar levels and even improve your kidney function.

A vegan diet also reduces your carbon footprint.

It is important to note that a vegan diet may not be right for everyone.


There are also downsides to becoming vegan. You must replace the benefits of meat and dairy foods. Meat and dairy provide vitamins and minerals that you need to maintain proper oral health. This can be achieved by taking vitamins to replace the vitamins and minerals in meat and dairy products. Also consuming plant-based products is necessary to maintain proper oral and physical health.


Vitamins essential to maintaining your oral health:

•Calcium- strong bones and teeth. Calcium Can be found in almond and soy milk, leafy greens, tofu

•Phosphorus-essential calcium support. This can be found in soybeans, lentils, grains and pumpkin seeds

•Iron - Iron can be found in green leafy vegetables. You can also take iron supplements

B12- B12 can be found in plant-based milk, soy products, breakfast cereals and nutritional yeast and supplements


B12-fortified foods commonly include plant-based milk, soy products, breakfast cereals, and nutritional yeast and supplements


Vegans must be careful not to consume too much sugar and high-carb foods.


While there are benefits to eating a healthy vegan diet you must consume the foods and supplements that support your oral health.


You must have regular checkups and cleanings. Your dental professional should know that you are a vegan therefore; they can advise you on how to maintain your oral health.


Important note: Oshawa Centre Dental Office does not endorse any specific diets. You should always consult your physician for advice on your dietary choices.


Disclaimer: This article is meant for educational purposes only and is in no way intended to diagnose, treat or be a substitute for professional medical or dental advice.


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