common questions asked


Jun 14 • 1 minute read



Signs of gum disease:

Chronic bad breath

Unpleasant taste in your mouth


Loose teeth

Gum abscess

Swollen gums

Bleeding gums


What is gum disease?

Gum disease is a common dental condition affecting supporting gums and tissues that surround the teeth. Gum disease progresses slowly and if left untreated can result in the loss of teeth and gum recession.


Gingivitis: This is gum disease in its early stage. The gums become inflamed

Periodontitis: This is the stage of gum disease left untreated. This can affect the ligaments and bones that hold our teeth in place. It is important to note that

gums pull away from the teeth and leave pockets vulnerable to bacteria and plaque buildup. Brushing at home cannot reach these areas. Professional cleaning is required Periodontitis can result in gum abscesses, loose teeth and sensitivity.


It's never too late to have treatment for gum disease. Treatment will depend on the severity of the gum disease.

Treatment will most likely include deep cleanings performed by your hygienist. You may need multiple appointments. This allows your hygienist to reach and thoroughly clean areas of the mouth that are difficult to reach.


At OCD, we also have a periodontist on our team.

A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention and treatment of gum disease.


If you see signs of gum disease, you must schedule a dental appointment as soon as possible. Early intervention is key in treating gum disease!







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